Friday, December 5, 2014

Turning Point

Well, a little more than a year has passed since my life was upended and I embarked on this new journey of discovery and learning.  It feels like this year has been packed with more experience and growth than any I can remember.  It feels like I've been through a crucible of sorts and I've gone through epiphany after epiphany to lead me to a much better country.

After I wrote my last post I had a feeling that something had changed, something had ended, or was different, as if I had completed a chapter.  I think I have.  I have processed so much.  I feel as though I have reset my life and now I'm poised to begin something new.  As I was talking to a good friend about this, she all of the sudden chimed in.

"You know what?  I think you've gone through the whole cycle of grief!"


"Ya.  You've gone through it. You've gone from denial to anger to sadness to acceptance to hope."


"Yes.  Don't you see?"

Oh my gosh!  She's right again.  I really have gone through all those stages and didn't even realize it until she pointed it out, but it's all chronicled right here on the pages of this blog.  From the beginning to the last post, you can see my transformation from anguish to peace.  It's absolutely amazing.

I thought about writing more here.  I tried the other day to write something funny about dating or the search for a new partner, but I just couldn't.  That's not what this blog is about.  This blog is dedicated to healing.  The messages and the epiphanies in this blog are sacred and they show one man's journey to healing through the atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Oh I know.  My healing is not yet complete.  I have more to learn.  Of course that is true, but my foundation is laid and I am building more and more each day.  I know I'll continue to have trials in life. I'll most likely cry again, but that's not what I'm focused on.  I'm focused on the Savior and moving forward.  I want to take my remaining days to use and dedicate to the Lord and helping my fellow man.

This blog was an attempt to turn something bitter into something sweet.  I feel that I have succeeded. The comments that I have received from family and friends have been so impactful and humbling and I am forever a better person because of my association with all of you.

I think I will give this blog a rest for a little while.  It may be that I find something new to write on this topic.  Maybe I'll start a new blog recording my new adventures.  I'm really not sure yet.  What I do know is that I'm so glad that I wrote this and I'm so glad that I'm traveling on the same road as you.

Let's keep it moving forward my friends.  We can do it and we'll never give up.


  1. Amen brother. Sounds like you are well on your way! Good to hear!

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