Saturday, March 19, 2016

My Growing Satisfaction Since Life Turned

So what else have I learned from my experiences so far post divorce?

A lot.

It's been about 2 and half years now since the divorce.  I must say that I'm in a much more peaceful place than before.  I'm healthier physically, more at peace emotionally, recovered significantly financially from the trauma suffered.  A little time has been my friend.  I look back and feel good about how far I've come. I can take a sigh of relief and congratulate myself and thank Heavenly Father for His tender mercies.  I'm doing as well as can be expected.  I can respect myself.  Miles have been traversed.

I used to look at others and see how successful their lives appeared to be.   They seemed to float along with no opposition while I was always struggling with so many challenges. "So much more opportunity and reward" I would think to myself.   "Why not me?"  The red in me drives me on. I was born with it.  It's a good thing. But what I've come to realize is that despite all my temporary losses, I've done my best with the opportunities that I've been given. I've made the most of them. That is the definition of success for me.  All our circumstances and opportunities are different. That's just the way it is.

One circumstance is that I'm single.  There is nothing wrong with being single.  It's just not where I want to stay ultimately.  I still feel the missing piece of the puzzle since my divorce, but my concept of time and timing has expanded.  The urgency has tapered off. My kids have to be considered strongly in the equation.  A favorable set of circumstances must be brought into alignment in order for me to have a companion again.    All I can do is prepare and wait upon the Lord.  I believe he will help me, that he is helping me.  I am doing my part.  I am not passive. My kids are preparing also. They have adjusted to their lives as children with parents living separately.  They are open.  They are resilient.  When things are right, we will be ready.

I thought for awhile that I couldn't love again, that I would be riding on an endless carousel of meetings but never be able to love or deepen my relationships.  I've since learned that there is nothing wrong with my heart.

People ask me why I'm not married already, why I don't have someone.  "Surely you're a unicorn!" they say, a divorced LDS man that is still on the path  "That's rare" they tell me.  "You can have your pick" they tell me.  "The odds are all in your favor" they tell me.  "You are just too picky."

Well it's not all as easy as they think.  I'm a thoughtful one, not given to rushing.  I'm also cautious. I've gone through the ultimate rejection.  I choose to reject that rejection.  It will not define me nor will it stop me from loving again, but it will make me more cautious and more observant than ever I was before.  I have a lifetime of experience now and I will use it.  I'm interested in something that will last.  I'll be darned if I will accept being underappreciated or disrespected again.  I have a radar to it now.

In the meantime I work and I raise my kids.  I play tennis.  I go dancing.  I fulfill my callings. I say my prayers.  I try to help those around me.  I live a productive life.

I will say that as a single man, I don't stay home.  I actively date and go to social events.  Staying home would be the death of me.  I'm not made that way.  When I go to these events I don't think about meeting my future wife too much there.  I go to have fun and to enrich my life with friends and experiences.  I have a choice.  If I'm lucky enough to meet someone I'm interested in, I'll pursue it. But for me, to willingly deny myself of these experiences would only depress me and leave me more open to temptation and my own weaknesses.  I refuse to do that.  It's a part of my life that needs to be nourished just as my physical body needs to be nourished and my spirit needs to be nourished.  I believe it is what the Lord expects.

What about you my brothers and sisters?  Are you growing as well?  Please respond and let us all know.  How long has it been and how have you grown since your life turned?

Blessings to all!  Upward and onward!


  1. Well into my 14th year of single life.... it surprises me how much we all grow and learn and understand and use the atonement in our lives. I've watched and read most of your posts and blogs, Brett, and see you grow and relearn some things. I'm proud of you, my friend. You're a courageous soul. It took the death of a child to allow myself to be vulnerable again.. I have nothing. I am nothing... without the Savior. And his passing I have lost any desire to date or go dancing or be very social. One day it may change. Will I ever marry again? Probably not. But... I do have a wonderful family and an awesome career and work with some inspiring brethren.   ... I hope my work will inspire others too... My 2016 goal is to inspire and make someone feel good about themselves everyday... and of course, be the best grandparent ever.
    I am also open to "change". What do we have to lose, right?
    Life is a big adventure. Enjoy it.
    You're a good man, Mr. Nielson.

  2. Kee. Thank you my brother. I'm so sorry about the loss of your child. That is a serious wound that only the Savior can heal. Bless you. I appreciate greatly all of your support.

  3. You wrote before that we're all on our pathway back to God and that we should share and help each other along the way. I really feel blessed to read your posts. They uplift and inspire while sharing the hard realities of divorce. We all can relate and benefit from openness like this. You have a gift with words and I agree that you should write a book! Although my divorce has only been final since the end of January, it's been a year since I started sleeping on the sofa. I knew I couldn't live the way I was living. I've learned that it's okay to expect to be treated with respect. It's okay to want to be treated with kindness. It's not right to live in oppression, darkness or pain. I've learned that I'm not incapable, that I can do things I never thought I could bills, buy a little house, get the car or dryer fixed, parent challenging children alone. I can set boundaries that need to be respected. I'm a much stronger person now than I ever was before. And I believe waiting to find a new spouse is so wise. When it is right, we will know by staying ever-so-close to the spirit and living the gospel to the very best of our abilities. For so many years I longed to simply be loved. If I had divorced long ago, I might have jumped into a second marriage, seeking for that love to validate my worth. I imagined being rescued. Now, I realize that I can (and did) rescue my own self and I am the one who must love myself first. It's me, my Father in Heaven and my Savior. We're the new team. And it's a great one to be on! I'm finding joy in venturing out and mingling. Friendship is a wonderful thing. I'm not out there looking for a spouse because I can't imagine my children getting along with anyone else's children who suddenly became their step brothers or sisters! But I will know when the time is right because I've been guided every step of the way so far through prayer, reading my scriptures, going to the temple, and so forth. I love my life right now. it's a great adventure. Blessings are pouring down from heaven and I'm happier than I've ever been before!

    1. Oh! I am so happy for you! What a wonderful response. Your trials have truly refined you just as Heavenly Father intended. Bless you my sister!

  4. It's been 4 years e my divorce. I am not even sure what I'm looking for. I'm not sure I would know it if I met him. My kids are my priority right now.
    I have been fortunate to have developed an incredible relationship with my three kids. They are healthy and thriving. I enjoy spending time with them.
    I am an empty nester, so I keep busy. I don't enjoy a quiet house.
    I am happy for now.
    Brett, you shouldn't have to be in a rush. You and your family deserve better than whatever is quickest. I've seen too much of that happening, and it hurts the kids as well.
    Slow and steady wins the race. Meanwhile, you can dance...oh and other things.

    1. Thank you so much Krista McClure. I will follow your advice and keep it real. See you on the dance floor. :)

  5. My best friend is single. Her ex is getting married next month. It's been 5 years. She hasn't been on a date single the divorce. I have wanted to drag her out just meet people! She fears rejection more than anyone I know. She won't leave her house. How can someone potentially meet their future someone if they don't go out and meet people? I love that you are creating your own destiny. Cheers to you.

    1. Thank you! Tell your friend to take heart and just go out and have fun, make friends, have good experiences. She will grow more confident and her life will be more full and Heavenly Father can and will help her grow even more.

  6. I love your positive outlook on this. I stumbled upon your page when I was looking for ways to help her. Honestly I love reading your posts. You are inspiring. You are a great example of someone who knows their worth. Never let another ones choices affect that.

  7. I can only imagine the huge roller coaster of emotions that you must go through during and following a divorce. Having children, of course, seems to make everything amplified. It is great to see that in this particular case, you were able to take a look at everything and get some perspective to draw out the life lessons involved.
