Sunday, September 24, 2017

Being Alone: The Savior Knows

The Savior knows about being alone.  Think of him.  When he he carried his cross, he was alone.  When he suffered in Gethsemane, he was alone.  When he was taken up on the mount and tempted of Lucifer, he was alone.  Can you imagine what it would have been like growing up as the Savior with no one else to relate to?  No one who could really understand the depths of his soul?  I cannot fathom it.  Can you imagine the Savior as young boy so wanting friendship with his peers and love from the adults around him yet feeling so different? He didn't think like young boys his age.  How do you think that made him appear to them? Would it have endeared him to them or would it cause him hurt and isolation?  Do you think his brothers and sisters understood him?  Did they feel that their mother and father treated him differently, thus causing resentment?  Did they envy him?  Did those in the community ostracize him.  I'm not sure.  The scriptures don't give us every detail.  But I know this.  The Savior felt the sting of loneliness very often in life.

Think of Him as a young man.  Do you think he didn't desire to find his true love and marry? Do you think just any young woman would do?  It would have to be one incredible woman to be willing to be the wife of the Savior and to be a match for him.  How do you think he felt knowing that his life was going to be cut short, that he would have to leave her in this fallen world?

I imagine him feeling so burdened at times even though he was surrounded by family and disciples.  Who could relieve him of the weight or even carry it for a short time?  No one.  Who could he talk to beside His Father in fervent prayer?  I can only imagine that the Father would have had to impart his Spirit frequently and indeed the Savior walked full of the Spirit to a greater degree than anyone. Yet in his hour of grand bitterness that spirit was withdrawn. He was once again left alone and in agony.

When I think of this, I realize more and more that my loneliness cannot compare to his.  His path I could not walk nor could I even drink a thimble full of the bitterness that he tasted.  Yet to me, at times, loneliness finds it way back and sneaks up on me unaware.  I then complain bitterly to the Lord and ask him to relieve me of the burden of loneliness.

This he does, leaving me with comfort and assurance, sending my children to lift me, providing dear friends to buoy me up and make my heart glad.  He grants me meaningful work,  and calls me to holy callings and clothes me with his spirit. He answers my prayers.

Brothers and Sisters.  I cannot complain.  I do not feel justified in doing so.  I see the Lord's creations everyday and I witness his miracles.  As I give, I am filled again.  For the good that I do, I am repaid many fold.

Of course there are still things that I lack and my heart still yearns for them. But I hold my faith strong.  I know that in the due time of the Lord, all will be restored.  All tears will cease and we all will mount up on wings of eagles and the day will come when we shall all sit down together and feast at the table of the Lord.


  1. Yo pienso que tener alguién, no puede jamás ser una condición para sermos felizes. Que la felicidad és un estado de espiritu individual del amor proprio, que nos hace estar siempre bien,solitos o en pareja.El sentimiento de solitud, en mi visión és uno sinal de que la persona aún no conseguió expandir la consciencia plenamente y por eso condiciona su bien estar y con eso sufre. jesus no sufrió en niuno de sus momentos de solitud.En el jardim el sufrió profundo dolor por nuetros pecados solamente, y no por estar solito. Muy al contrario,el tenía siempre muy grande necessidad de quedar solo, para meditar, estar consigo mismo y charlar con su Padre. Pero és saudavel desear tener una pareja algún día, pero sín sufrir por aún no tener.Quedo una vez más muy agradecida por sus textos reflexivos, porque me edificán. Graciasss amigo!

    1. Claro que el Salvador pasó algo de su tiempo en meditación pero yo creo que todos los hombres grandes, especialmente Jesucristo, si sufrió mucha soledad porque nadie podía completamente comprenderle y nadie pudo haber llevado su cargo para sostenerle. Es difícil de llevar tanta responsabilidad día tras día. El también tenía su parte humano. No olvidemos esto. :)

  2. Brett, this is deeply thoughtful and insightful. Thank you for sharing it. The "due Time" continues but not for long. Just at the perfect time when you least expect it, it will come.

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