Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Ex's Wedding: Repercussions for my Kids

Last time I wrote about how my ex's wedding day was a liberation day for me.  I think I did something great by having a party with wonderful and loving people.  It was probably one of the smartest moves I've made in my post divorce healing.  It was great for me and I still owe everyone who contributed.  Thank you all!

It's been about a week since then and what I'm seeing now is that my ex's wedding day was something quite different for my oldest daughters.  It wasn't a liberation day at all for them.  It was a day of pain and sadness.  Mind you, my oldest two never wanted to attend their mother's wedding. The thought of that caused anxiety and stress, but I told them that I thought they should go to help their younger siblings.  In my mind, it was very important for them to provide an emotional support structure for each other.  Just because their mom made decisions they don't agree with doesn't mean that they shouldn't pull together to love and support one another.  I think in the end, they will see that it was good counsel.  They were there for each other in a critical moment.

This is so difficult for me to see because I did everything I could to try to avoid this reality for them. My ex had no concept of what she did by taking the course she did.  The repercussions of her decisions are extremely far reaching.

Maybe writing this will help others think about what their own children are going through. Maybe it will help prevent someone from doing something foolish in the future.  Maybe it will bring focus on an issue that needs some attention.  Maybe it's just for me.

I don't know what I can do to reverse all this for my girls.  Honestly only the Lord can compensate for all our losses.  I only say that I am there for my girls.  I do everything I can for them. I call them frequently to see how they're doing and I'm able to counsel with them like never before.  I believe that Heavenly Father is inspiring me on what to say to them.  I love them.

My own mother is here for them too and my father.  They have been amazing through all this.  I think my divorce has carried blessings for us all in the fact that my children have been able to grow much closer to my parents than ever before.

I know that the Lord will raise up mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters for them as they grow and form families of their own, and that somehow, through the atonement, my children will lack for nothing.


  1. hugs to those kids!! divorce truly is hardest on them. you are such a good dad, keep on going brother!!

    1. Thank you my sister. And thank you for coming to my party!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Of course I believe it. I have that hope too. Thanks.

  3. The pain for the children is unbearable. But just remember and keep reminding them that if we stay righteous in our own decisions and live the gospel standards, the Lord has not overlooked anything and it will all turn out in the end. When I am hurting I try to remember how much my children are hurting also. Keep the faith!

  4. The pain of the child, thats something that keeps me up, keeps me pleading. i can only do what i can, You can only do what you can, the Saviour will make up the rest. IF I could have spared my kid the pain... BUT I also think this is part of what is in their plan. The things they have to experience for their progression. It makes me think how much Our Heavenly Parents weep for us when we suffer, knowing we have to go through it. We can be there to counsel, we can be there to listen, but they still have to experience it. Our great parent(HF) finds ways to reach out to his children, to encircle them with love, to show us the way. What a spectacular example you are.

    1. Thank you. My hope is that this whole experience was part of all our plans, that they were known beforehand and that these are experiences that we need to reach our true potential.

  5. Thank you Brett for sharing this with all of us.

  6. I agree with the others who have already posted here. Sometimes we as adults think our kids are more resilient than they really are. We don't realize how our actions can hurt them. Prayers for your daughters! God Bless!
